Save the Date!
FBLA week winners!
Elementary Coloring Contest: Teagan Utley, Leland Myers, Tanner Jacobson, Lennon Haraseth, Brynly Hoffert, Penny Schrodt, Emerson Pfeifer, and Ireland Ness. Great job to all!
Dress Up Contest: 1st Place - Sophomores / 2nd Place - Kindergarten / 3rd Place - 1st Grade
7-12th grade competed in the Invention Challenge today! Lots of fun creative prototypes and designs were created!
We had a fun filled FBLA week!
4th grade had a fabulous time learning and exploring that Ag in the Classroom and the Bismarck Ag Expo! What do you suppose was their favorite? Yes, they were amazed by all the crops and livestock raised in ND and how they can be used, BUT the machinery was #1 on their list!
Congratulations Joseph on being named to the Honorable Mention Academic All State Team! Way to go!
Valentine's Day bundle orders have been extended! They can still be turned in until 3 pm tomorrow, Tuesday!
Today kicks off FBLA week! Time to recognize our 18 members! Thank you for all that you do!
Artist in Residency with the Elementary Students (K-5) today! They worked with polymer clay and made a bird that will be baked this weekend. Partial Funding provided by ND Arts Council and the other partial funding covered by Washburn American Legion.- Thank you!
Reminder that Reading Month T-shirt orders are due next Tuesday, February 13th! Please turn them in to the office. Thank you!
Yesterday was Way Wednesday! We celebrated with some awards! Our Golden Apple recipient was Tricia Sabin our head cook. She always makes delicious meals and makes sure every student is full. She does it with a smile on her face!
December's high school student of the month was Natalie Purvis and January's student of the month was Noah Whitney! They were nominated by the high school staff for showing the Underwood Way of being Responsible, Respectful, and Ready!
It's the 2nd Thursday of the month so that means our Artist in Residency is here with our 6th through 9th graders working on their collaborative art piece. Preparing the hallway wall today. Can't wait to see the final project and showcase it on April 12!
FBLA is looking for craft items such as fabric, buttons, pop bottle/cans, etc.. that can be used for the Invention Challenge they are hosting for grades 7-12 next Friday. ALL items can be dropped off at the high school office by Thursday, February 15th! We appreciate your help!
Wow! Students (and staff) in PreK 4 through 5th grade had lots of fun exploring fossils yesterday! Big or small, Shells, bones or yes poop, students learned all about how different fossils are made and and the science of paleontology! Thank you Bottineau State College for joining us for a day of exploration!
Good morning! It is a bit icy outside, but will run on-time today. Please give yourself extra time as you head out the door this morning and travel at reduced speeds.
It's Valentine's Season! Valentine's Day bundles are available to purchase! They will be delivered to your child, grandchild, special students, etc in school for Valentine's Day! Fill out the form and return it to the school by Monday, 2-12-24!
Monday KICKS off FBLA WEEK! FBLA has lots of activities planned for the week. They are also having school wide dress up days all week! The class with the best participation for the whole week wins a prize!
All APP fundraiser Cougar clothing orders are in the HS office. They can be picked today. Some are being sent with elementary students today.
It's Way Wednesday tomorrow!!!!
Scholarships are here and deadlines are approaching! Don't miss out. Check out the shared drive below for local and national opportunities. Parents must request access to drive folder.
The 9th grade English class spent some time writing and illustrating their own picture books, which they enjoyed sharing with our 1st and 2nd grade students!
We are hiring an elementary para! The position is available as early as February 12th- next week! Email or stop by the school to pick up an application!